lunedì, 5 novembre, 2012, 10:14 - Guerrilla marketing
Great stunt idea by Mini in Geneva during the Motor Show this year. To present to new MINI countryman they installed a special vibrating bench in the streets. Every time someone seated on the bench, a MINI showed up behind them and when the driver pressed the accelerator pedal the bench started vibrating! Quite surprising!
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domenica, 4 novembre, 2012, 13:10 - Guerrilla marketing
For the launch of the iPhone 5 in France this weekend, Smart had a smart idea. Indeed the first person who got the new smartphone in France was sponsored by Smart. He was waiting in line wearing a branded t-shirt and carrying a sign saying: "there are appointments that you just can't miss, park on time with Smart". The stunt got a huge media coverage.
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sabato, 3 novembre, 2012, 09:53 - Generale
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venerdì, 2 novembre, 2012, 12:51 - Guerrilla marketing
The organization Stop The Traffik organized a guerilla operation in Amsterdam Red Light District to stop human traffic like prostitution. Prostitutes, standing behind showcases in Amsterdam, started dancing all together on dubstep tunes. At the end of the show, bystanders could read the following message: "Every year, thousands of women are promised a dance career in Western Europe. Unfortunately, they end up here."
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giovedì, 1 novembre, 2012, 10:36 - Generale
Everybody remembers the moment when flight attendants demonstrate the security measures before a takeoff. Durex decided to replace this cult moment by a condom placement demo. The action is unexpected and the result quite funny.
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