Creature Greeder 
martedì, 20 novembre, 2012, 15:52 - Generale

Awesome idea by the agency Creature of London and great example of poly-sensoriality! All visitors of the agency are invited to create their avatar by shaking an iPad and indicate the reason of their visit. To bring the avatar to life, they simply have to blow on the tablet. The curious animal then flies away and appears on the screens in the room. The visitor finally receives a ticket with various pieces of information, including a voucher for a honeypot.
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Lo sport è un’opera d’arte 
lunedì, 19 novembre, 2012, 13:42 - Guerrilla marketing

In occasione dell’apertura di un nuovo punto vendita nella città di Firenze, Intersport ha deciso di coniugare la sua passione per lo sport con il cuore della città, l’arte.

Alcune statue viventi vestite da sportivi hanno infatti "percorso" le vie principali del centro cittadino celebrando lo sport come opera d’arte. Calciatori, cestisti, corridori e rugbisti hanno così dato vita ad una mostra itinerante che ha sorpreso e coinvolto il pubblico passante.
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Jennifer Aniston security tapes 
mercoledì, 14 novembre, 2012, 12:28 - Generale

Smart and fun ad by Smartwater addressing all the rumors about actress Jennifer Aniston. The commercial is made with fake stolen security tapes from Jennifer’s house and shows the ridicule of the rumors.
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Marc Jacobs Jack of all Shades 
martedì, 13 novembre, 2012, 17:12 - E-buzzing

Marc Jacobs' staff knows how to use shockvertising to make people talk about the brand. Here's a brand new spot that was posted on YouTube yesterday. What the hell is this guy doing?
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PETA: Firm & Fresh 
mercoledì, 7 novembre, 2012, 16:51 - Viral marketing

PETA loves to shock, that we know. If they don’t use famous supermodels such as Joanna Krupa or Elisabetta Canalis, they try to shock with other ideas, such as the famous ‘Death Bet’ from Berghs School of Communication. But this time, it’s different, and pretty disgusting..
“Increase your sexual stamina, go vegan”
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