domenica, 2 dicembre, 2012, 21:09 - Generale
In Belgium, numerous of disabled people are on a waiting list for a disabled-friendly house. To put an end at this situation and raise awareness, a group of 6 disabled people decided to squat a house and record their own version of the music video "Our House". People were invited to squat along virtually on this website.
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sabato, 1 dicembre, 2012, 19:22 - Generale
Electronic swerving aids were created because danger doesn't announce itself. To promote this option, Mercedes-Benz created a series of ad displays made up of promotional posters with a deer, grandma and children announcing when and were they'll show up on the street. A message said: "Dangers arrive unannounced. For more control when it comes to swerving: the Mercedes-Benz Vito with Adaptive ESP."
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venerdì, 30 novembre, 2012, 15:45 - Generale
Dear Swiss cheese lovers,
This little note just to let you know that the pop up store Swiss Cheese Lab has opened today (and for 5 more days) in the heart of Paris, in the legendary Crèmerie de Paris. The place looks perfect to taste and discover fine cheese in a comfy atmosphere. So if you're Swiss and feel a little bit home sick or if you just want to yodel freely, you know what to do and where to go! ;-)
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giovedì, 29 novembre, 2012, 15:08 - Generale
This year, Best Buy wanted to show that you can do anything with your gifts (here, Apple products), including getting in touch with Santa Claus. The commercial is cute and build on a simple, yet effective, storytelling.
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mercoledì, 28 novembre, 2012, 10:15 - Viral marketing
Amazing stunt for Volvo directed by Hollywood star Peter Pedrero. A tightrope walker is walking from one truck to another while they're speeding 80 km/hour. Beautiful and breathtaking!
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