mercoledì, 6 marzo, 2013, 11:05 - Generale
Clever ambient in a magazine for the Swiss Hemophilia Association. The purpose is to make people aware of the constraint of being a hemophiliac on a daily basis. Good job!
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martedì, 5 marzo, 2013, 15:07 - Viral marketing
Dove always celebrated the power of real beauty; real women with real shapes. Dove developed a Photoshop add-ons that tagged at art directors, graphic designers and photo retouchers and whose message was "don't manipulate our perceptions of real beauty". Each time the target group used the add-ons, it reverted the photo to its original state, instead of adding a skin glow effect.
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lunedì, 4 marzo, 2013, 11:36 - Viral marketing
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lunedì, 4 marzo, 2013, 07:21 - Generale
Showgirls, badlanders or cowboys? Who will win the Coke on Game Day? Here's Coca Cola new Super Bowl campaign for 2013. A teaser campaign invites people to go on a website and vote for their favorite team. The user can then disturb and sabotage the chase of the other teams. In order to slow down the others even more, the user has to share the adventure on social media.
Can't wait to see all the Super Bowl ads! Don't you?
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domenica, 3 marzo, 2013, 21:56 - Generale
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