martedì, 7 maggio, 2013, 09:40 - Generale
A new awareness campaign meant to stop child abuse (and help victims find support) is delivering its message in a unique way. The ANAR Foundation has turned to lenticular printing to create outdoor ads that appear differently to adults and children. Adults walking past the display will see an awareness message: "sometimes, child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it." When viewed from the average height of a 10-year-old child, however, the poster is totally different. It depicts a bruised victim of abuse with a message including ANAR's hotline number where kids can reach out for counseling. The benefits of the lenticular approach are two-fold; it allows the nonprofit to effectively deliver two messages to the public using a single advertisement. Even more important, exposing the hotline number only to children was an intentional choice meant to target kids that may be in the presence of an abuser. The video below demonstrates the campaign in action.
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lunedì, 6 maggio, 2013, 10:06 - Generale
Muito bacana esta ideia da M&C Saatchi para promover as bicicletas Porteur: fizeram anúncios de desconto (10% off) usando tinta solúvel em água nas ciclovias. Com o passar do tempo o desconto ia sumindo.
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domenica, 5 maggio, 2013, 18:44 - Generale
O Agent Smith do filme Matrix é o protagonista deste comercial criado pela BBDO New York, produzido pela Chealsea Pictures com direção de David Gordon Green para mostrar a tecnologia inovadora da GE na área da saúde.
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sabato, 4 maggio, 2013, 18:22 - Marketing Street News
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sabato, 4 maggio, 2013, 12:29 - Viral marketing
Interessante e bem produzida esta campanha criada pela Loducca para a MTV para incentivar o uso da camisinha. Confiram abaixo dois dos comerciais e aqui os demais que compõem a campanha: sereio e triângulo japonês. A produção é da Conspiração Filmes
com direção de Del.
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