martedì, 16 luglio, 2013, 08:58 - Generale
Imagine this: It’s your birthday. You check your email and see a message from your bank. “Happy Birthday from Capital One 360!” says the subject line.
Lots of businesses send out birthday greeting to their customers, often with coupons or free offers. Hey, maybe the bank is giving my savings account some extra interest!
Of course, that’s not what banks do for birthdays. And while I appreciated the thought from Capital One, their birthday email got a couple of things wrong. If you’re thinking of launching a birthday campaign, learn from this big brand’s mistakes.
First, One Thing They Got Right
Here’s the whole email:

The one thing I like about it and have to give them props for? Their cheerful tone. It’s cute and light without deviating from their brand. And it’s appropriate for a birthday wish.
Now, onto the not-so-good things.
Fail #1 – The Video
I’m a marketing nerd (you kind of have to be to blog about email marketing as your full-time job!). So I got kind of excited to see Capital One integrating video with their birthday wish. I was curious to see what they’d do.
I clicked the link and pressed “play.” I hadn’t read the YouTube description yet. And an inspirational message about the importance of happiness unfurled across the screen, stop-motion style.
Okay, this is kind of cool. When do we get to the birthday part? Wait, we don’t? Then I read the description:
“This short video stems from our list of Savers Resolutions, where the number one resolution is: We will spend more time with the people in our lives who matter most – and spend less money on things that really don’t matter at all.”
It wasn’t a birthday video at all! It’s just something they recycled from a previous campaign.
Now, I’m all for repurposing content. But this is the wrong way to do it. At least edit the YouTube description with a “Happy Birthday” wish. Or upload a new version of the same video with “We wish you happiness on your birthday,” tacked on as the last frame. Give it something to make it relevant to my day!
Fail #2 – So Impersonal
The second fail is probably worse than the first – the sign-off. “Enjoy many more, Saver.”
“Saver?” Really? May I direct your attention to my first name in the opening? Clearly they know who I am.
This email would have been much better off with a personalized closing. “Enjoy your day, Ruggero.” There. Was that so hard?
You’re wishing me a happy birthday and my name isn’t “Saver.”
What’s The Lesson?
Personal communication goes a long way in making your customers feel valued, especially in a birthday greeting.
There was nothing personal about this email, aside from the fact that my date of birth is in their system. It’s not always just the thought that counts. A little personalization – and a quick and simple tweak to their video – would have saved this email.
What about you? Have you received a half-hearted birthday greeting from a company? Are you guilty of maybe sending something like this yourself? What did you learn from the experience?
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venerdì, 12 luglio, 2013, 07:29 - Generale

Onírico e surreal este filme criado para promover a linha de relógios de mergulho da Swatch. A produção é da Eye to Eye com direção de Liberato Maraia.
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giovedì, 11 luglio, 2013, 12:44 - Generale
Ator está no país gravando uma campanha para a marca que foi comprada pela Diageo em 2012

O astro americano John Travolta está no Brasil gravando uma campanha publicitária da marca de cachaça Ypióca, a primeira desde que ela foi adquirida pela Diageo há cerca de um ano. A ação tem assinatura da DM9Rio e inclui comercial, mídia impressa, estratégia digital, BTL e iniciativas de PR. Ela entrará no ar no final de julho nas principais praças da marca.
O conceito que permeará a campanha publicitária é brasilizar, que significa “tornar ou naturalizar brasileiro; brasilificar; abrasileirar”. O comercial que integra a ação conta com produção da Sentimental Filmes e está sendo dirigido por Maurício Guimarães e Luciano Zuffo.
Além da DM9Rio, a Ypióca conta com outras três agências nesta campanha. A VML está responsável pela estratégia digital, a ArtContrast assina as ações de BTL e a Luciana Branco Comunica está a frente das iniciativas de PR. O trabalho de planejamento foi realizado com a Box 1824.
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lunedì, 1 luglio, 2013, 07:42 - Marketing Street News

Marketing StreeT offre ai propri clienti traduzioni in portoghese brasiliano accurate e professionali, comunicativamente efficaci e immediatamente utilizzabili.
La nostra offerta di traduzione comprende:
- contratti;
- bilanci;
- manuali tecnici;
- siti web;
- brochure;
- pubblicità;
- comunicati stampa;
- riviste;
- e molto altro.
In molti settori di specializzazione:
- economico-finanziario
- medico-farmaceutico
- tecnologico-industriale
- costruzione
- energetico
- largo consumo
- e molto altro.
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domenica, 30 giugno, 2013, 23:04 - Generale

Tara McConnell with QVC Program Host David Venable. McConnell spends roughly 10 hours on TV each month.
Tara McConnell never intended to be an entrepreneur. She was a college student with dreams of becoming a psychologist. And then an internship changed her life.
“I was doing everything and anything,” says McConnell of her time at Chester-based marketing firm Coordinated Strategic Alliances, which specializes in placing products on the home-shopping network QVC, located just down the road in Westchester. “So when I graduated and wasn’t quite ready to start the next leg of school to become a psychologist and the CEO asked me to stay for a year, I said okay.”
10 years later McConnell’s moved from helping other brands onto the network to spending 10 hours a month on live TV selling her own product. Temp-tations, a line of do-it-all kitchenware that sold more than $2 million units in 2012 for a FORBES estimated $80 million in revenue. Sales have grown by more than 4,000% since the company’s launch—and given the format of television shopping, McConnell’s style of talking as directly to her customers as she would to her best friend is undeniably her secret weapon.
We picked Tara McConnell’s brain on an accidental journey towards owning her own business, how entrepreneurs can learn to better speak to their customers and why QVC and its competitors are an often-overlooked but mega-lucrative pathway to making a splash in retail.
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