Drive Safe 
mercoledì, 16 ottobre, 2013, 09:54 - Generale

Like stated earlier, ads can give off strong messages as well. In this ad we see a damaged human leg, but instead of bones and blood it looks more like a crashed car. This clever message shows us just what its quote says, "…Car accidents don’t just happen to cars".
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National Anti-Counterfeit Committee: Watch 
martedì, 15 ottobre, 2013, 11:02 - Generale

This is one of those ads which was mentioned in the introduction, something that isn’t necessarily selling something but rather giving of a message for a cause or a movement. Well this ad’s imagery gets the viewer involved enough to look towards the bottom and read about how counterfeiting finances organized crime.
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Canal+: iPhone Titanic 
lunedì, 14 ottobre, 2013, 11:04 - Generale

This ad may take a bit more time to understand than the rest but the design itself can keep a consumer interested. The large finger and the iPhone in the corner can quickly help the viewer connect the dots with the sinking Titanic ship and show that we can have all our favorite movies right on our iPhones.
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Red Bull - Guerrilla Marketing Campaign 
domenica, 13 ottobre, 2013, 11:00 - Guerrilla marketing

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1945 bicycle manufacturing 
sabato, 12 ottobre, 2013, 10:02 - Guerrilla marketing

Titled simply "How a Bicycle is Made," this film from 1945 shows the manufacturing process of Raleigh bicycles in the UK. It is amazing to see how big Raleigh was then and it is a nice example of guerrilla marketing then.

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