Ladbrokes World Cup 2014 – Iconic celebration 
venerdì, 6 giugno, 2014, 13:59 - Generale
Here is a wonderful video for football lovers dedicated to the World Cup football 2014. Event is both original, unexpected and provides joy and emotion to each person who has the chance to see this surprise performed on a landmark in Brazil : The Christ.

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Fan Yang-Tsung Paintings 
giovedì, 5 giugno, 2014, 11:36 - Generale
Taiwanese painter Fan Yang-Tsung is fascinated by the swimming pools. With colorful creations, and playing with talent on the forms, the artist depicts scenes that put us almost a chlorine smell in the nose.

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Brazil World Cup Posters 
mercoledì, 4 giugno, 2014, 13:57 - Generale
The illustrator and graphic designer José Azevedo offers us a series of posters visually very successful incorporating the flag of each of the 32 countries participating in the soccer world Cup in Brazil. Incredible render, playing with talent on these flags.

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Freedom Calendar 
martedì, 3 giugno, 2014, 16:37 - Generale

Artplan and AfroReggae have created the “Calendar of freedom”: 12 ex-prisoners, 365 handmade and testimonies with stories of each brand. Each calendar page is devoted to an ex-detainees portrait.

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Irma – Save Me 
lunedì, 2 giugno, 2014, 11:03 - Generale
Directors Xavier Maingon and Marc-Antoine Hélard have made the very beautiful music video of Irma for her song “Save Me”, entirely videomapped in studio. It gives an immersion in dreamy universes with well-executed 3D effects. A production by HK Corp and an art direction by Superbien.

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