martedì, 17 febbraio, 2015, 13:05 - Generale
Artist Carter Asmann interprets coffee marks let on his white sheets of paper with very detailed pencil drawings. The brownish and circular mark of coffee is then a motorcycle, bicycle or car’s wheel.
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lunedì, 16 febbraio, 2015, 12:44 - Generale
I know my limits. I look it in the eyes.
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domenica, 15 febbraio, 2015, 22:12 - Generale
An original work on sepia background, with women and men portraits blend with cityscapes. Like dreams we can read, cities images shape as a cloud around the faces models. A series named “Where is my mind”.
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sabato, 14 febbraio, 2015, 16:55 - Generale
To celebrate Valentine’s Day in a new and original way, teams from PunnyPixels got the excellent idea to compose cards with funny graphism, with references for “geeks”. Clever creations that you can buy on their Etsy shop.
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venerdì, 13 febbraio, 2015, 12:46 - Street art
iHeart a street artist based in Vancouver, has created a series of street composition in which each image examines our relationship with our contemporary culture, social media and its connection to a generation of children.
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