Geometric Tattoos Inspired by Modern Art 
lunedì, 8 giugno, 2015, 07:58 - Generale

After the work of Brian Woo, here is Robert Nero : an Italian artist who makes tattoos full of geometric shapes and influenced by modern art and cubism. We can see recurring surreal patterns that he works around faces, body parts and birds.
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Air Collages with Classical Paintings on City Snapshots 
domenica, 7 giugno, 2015, 12:54 - Generale

Art Lies is a project by Lorenzo Castellini who shares on his Instagram what he calls “air collages”, namely classical paintings’ details he superposes on passer-by in the streets of Sao Paulo. It gives funny combinaisons where we can see the head of Frida Kahlo or Van Gogh on a walking body.
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Intimate Portraits Revealing the Lives of Famous Artists 
sabato, 6 giugno, 2015, 19:51 - Generale

Artists Unframed is a book of portraits found in the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art, by curator Merry Foresta. More than 100 old photos show the intimacy and the family life of great artists such as Picasso next to his daughter Maya, John Lennon posing with Andy Warhol and Yoko Ono, Jackson Pollock cutting a turkey and at the beach with his dog, and Frida Kahlo lying down on her bed.
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Discarded Items Transformed Into Other Everyday Objects 
venerdì, 5 giugno, 2015, 07:55 - Generale

German artist Martin Roller is the artist of a creative series of still lives and “food sculptures”. His work consists in combining old everyday objects, found in the streets of Berlin, to create new ones. Through his declinations, we can find a tyre-cake, an apple-burger, an orange-globe and a brush-pencils.
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Central Clinic: Building 
giovedì, 4 giugno, 2015, 07:42 - Generale

In Brazil around 15 people die on an hourly basis due to cigarette-related issues. It’s as if you set a building on fire every day. Don’t burn your life away. World No Tobacco Day 2015
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