martedì, 30 giugno, 2015, 06:28 - Generale
Summer is only 5 hours away
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lunedì, 29 giugno, 2015, 08:04 - Generale
Photographer Stephen McMennamy, in his collection gather under the name of ComboPhoto, manages to juxtapose perfectly two photographs. He combines pictures which elements that composed it have in theory nothing in common. Result is perfectly executed and gives some humorous compositions.
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domenica, 28 giugno, 2015, 00:58 - Generale
In Sicily is opening the first Fashion Village. The video shows how sicilians tipical lifestyle will change after the opening of the mall.
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sabato, 27 giugno, 2015, 07:52 - Generale
What's the price of a bottle of champagne?
Don't drink and drive
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venerdì, 26 giugno, 2015, 08:00 - Generale
In January 2011, one year after the earthquake that devastated Haiti, American photographer Jeremy Cowart went there for a volunteer trip, that he chose to immortalize by only photographing with his iPhone 4. It allows him a more important discretion and then he could capture instants that he couldn’t catch with his habitual camera. Result is giving amazing and bright pictures bringing us closer of the locale life at that time.
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